NTSC-USA: Region converted PAL save, tested. 100% complete! This save file has unlocked: all gold portraits, an A-rank hidden mansion, and a 176m gold high score.
PAL: 100% complete! This save file has unlocked: all gold portraits, an A-rank hidden mansion, 176m gold high score.
NTSC-JP: Region converted PAL save, tested. 100% complete! This save file has unlocked: all gold portraits, an A-rank hidden mansion, and a 176m gold high score. リージョン変換済みPAL保存、テスト済み。100%完全!このセーブファイルでは、ゴールドの肖像画、Aランクの隠し屋敷、176mのゴールドのハイスコアがすべてアンロックされています。
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