100% Saves - Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour [USA/PAL/JP] - 100%


NTSC-USA: 100% complete! This save file has unlocked: all characters with all stars, all GBA characters with absolute maximum stats (at least two left handed two right handed; it does not say left when selecting, so look at the boy's shape of his swing curve), all clubs, all courses, all tournament greens, all side games and their difficulty options, the simulation line can be turned off, and the legendary ace mode difficulty is available too! Thank you to Boshi for their help with this save.

PAL: 100% complete! This save file has unlocked: all characters with all stars, all GBA characters with absolute maximum stats (at least two left handed two right handed), all clubs, all courses, all tournament greens, all side games and their difficulty options, the simulation line can be turned off, and ace mode difficulty is available too!

NTSC-JP: Region converted PAL save, tested. Be careful when combining with other JP saves on real hardware. 100% complete! This save file has unlocked: all characters with all stars, all GBA characters with absolute maximum stats (at least two left handed two right handed), all clubs, all courses, all tournament greens, all side games and their difficulty options, the simulation line can be turned off, and ace mode difficulty is available too! リージョン変換されたPALセーブ、テスト済み。実機で他のJPセーブと組み合わせる場合は注意してください。100%完全!このセーブファイルはアンロックされています: 全キャラクターと全スター、全GBAキャラクターと絶対最大ステータス(少なくとも左利き2人、右利き2人)、全クラブ、全コース、全トーナメントグリーン、全サイドゲームとその難易度オプション、シミュレーションラインはオフにでき、エースモードの難易度も利用可能です!

Note: for the Korean release, use the NTSC-USA save.

Downloads: 2949