NTSC-USA: 100% complete! This save file has: max money, all berries, PokeBalls, TMs. It has all 48 Pokemon purified, it has 9,999 of every item in the PC. It has Ho-oH from Mt. Battle and Jirachi from the bonus disc. Battle Mode: all colosseums are beaten. Profile name is Wes. Video of Pokemon and items:
NTSC-JP: 100% complete! This save file has: the story mode beaten and all 48 Pokemon are purified. Video of Pokemon and items available here: ////////////////// NTSC-JP:100%完了! この保存ファイルには、ストーリーモードが無効になり、48個のポケモンがすべて浄化されます。 ポケモンとここで入手可能なアイテムのビデオ:
PAL: 100% complete! This save file has: the story mode beaten, all 48 Pokemon are purified and caught with a normal Pokeball. Ho-Ho has also been obtained. All story mode MTs obtained. Ho-ho, Entei, Raikou and Suicune have never been used in combat. Language is Spanish. Video of Pokemon and items available here:
Downloads: 3242