100% Saves - Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble [USA/PAL/JP] - 100%


NTSC-USA: 100% complete! This save file has unlocked: all characters, all stages (including special versions), all costumes, all movies, all art, and all V-Puzzles are completed.

PAL: Region converted USA save, tested. 100% complete! This save file has unlocked: all characters, all stages (including special versions), all costumes, all movies, all art, and all V-Puzzles are completed.

NTSC-JP: Region converted USA save, tested. Careful when combining with other NTSC-JP data. 100% complete! This save file has unlocked: all characters, all stages (including special versions), all costumes, all movies, all art, and all V-Puzzles are completed. リージョン変換済みUSA保存、テスト済み。他のNTSC-JPデータとの結合にはご注意ください。100%コンプリート!全キャラクター、全ステージ(スペシャルバージョン含む)、全コスチューム、全ムービー、全アート、全Vパズルコンプリート。

Downloads: 469