NTSC-USA: 100% complete. This save file has unlocked all special teams (All-Africa, All-Americas, All-Asia, All-Europe, and All-World).
PAL: Region converted USA save, tested. 100% complete. This save file has unlocked all special teams (All-Africa, All-Americas, All-Asia, All-Europe, and All-World).
German [DE] (GFSD69) - Region converted USA save, tested. 100% complete. This save file has unlocked all special teams (All-Africa, All-Americas, All-Asia, All-Europe, and All-World). Note: the file's internal name is not the French release when displayed in a memory card manager.
French [FR] (GFSF69) - Region converted USA save, tested. 100% complete. This save file has unlocked all special teams (All-Africa, All-Americas, All-Asia, All-Europe, and All-World). Note: the file's internal name is not the French release when displayed in a memory card manager.
X [GFSX69] - Region converted USA save, tested. 100% complete. This save file has unlocked all special teams (All-Africa, All-Americas, All-Asia, All-Europe, and All-World). Supposedly this is a NL release, but the game is completely in English.
NTSC-JP: Region converted USA save, tested. Be careful when combining with other JP saves on real hardware. 100% complete. This save file has unlocked all special teams (All-Africa, All-Americas, All-Asia, All-Europe, and All-World). リージョン変換済みのUSAセーブ。実機で他のJPセーブと組み合わせる場合はご注意ください。100%完全。このセーブファイルは全てのスペシャルチーム(オールアフリカ、オールアメリカ、オールアジア、オールヨーロッパ、オールワールド)をアンロックしています。
Downloads: 195