NTSC-USA: 100% complete! This save file has unlocked: all levels completed, all puzzle pieces and secrets found, and all bonus material unlocked.
PAL: Region converted USA save, tested. 100% complete! This save file has unlocked: all levels completed, all puzzle pieces and secrets found, and all bonus material unlocked. Note: this save file does not have the correct PAL name.
German [DE] (GLCD52) - Lemony Snicket: Rätselhafte Ereignisse: Region converted USA save, tested. 100% complete! This save file has unlocked: all levels completed, all puzzle pieces and secrets found, and all bonus material unlocked. Note: the save's description is not the German text when displayed in a memory card manager.
Spanish [ES] (GLCS52) - Una serie de Catastróficas Desdichas de Lemony Snicket: Region converted USA save, tested. 100% complete! This save file has unlocked: all levels completed, all puzzle pieces and secrets found, and all bonus material unlocked.
French [FR] (GLCF52) - Les Désastreuses Aventures des Orphelins Baudelaire: D'Apres Lemony Snicket: Region converted USA save, tested. 100% complete! This save file has unlocked: all levels completed, all puzzle pieces and secrets found, and all bonus material unlocked.
Downloads: 52