NTSC-USA: 100% complete! This save file has unlocked: all characters at max level with all skills, all secrets, all bonuses, all scenes, the game is complete, and evil mode is unlocked.
PAL: Region converted USA save, tested. 100% complete! This save file has unlocked: all characters at max level with all skills, all secrets, all bonuses, all scenes, the game is complete, and evil mode is unlocked.
NTSC-JP: Region converted USA save, tested. 100% complete! This save file has unlocked: all characters at max level with all skills, all secrets, all bonuses, all scenes, the game is complete, and evil mode is unlocked. リージョン変換済みのUSAセーブ。100%完全!このセーブファイルでは、全キャラクター、全スキル、全シークレット、全ボーナス、全シーン、ゲームクリア、悪モードのロックが解除されています。
German [DE] (G3AD69) Der Herr der Ringe: Das dritte Zeitalter: Region converted USA save, tested. 100% complete! This save file has unlocked: all characters at max level with all skills, all secrets, all bonuses, all scenes, the game is complete, and evil mode is unlocked.
Spanish [ES] (G3AS69) El Señor de los Anillos: La Tercera Edad: Region converted USA save, tested. 100% complete! This save file has unlocked: all characters at max level with all skills, all secrets, all bonuses, all scenes, the game is complete, and evil mode is unlocked.
French [FR] (G3AF69) Le Seigneur des Anneaux: Le Tiers Âge: Region converted USA save, tested. 100% complete! This save file has unlocked: all characters at max level with all skills, all secrets, all bonuses, all scenes, the game is complete, and evil mode is unlocked.
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